How To Get Help
Get A Voucher
If you need our help and think you may qualify, getting help starts with contacting one of the following agencies to obtain a voucher.
- Citizens Advice
- Don’t Lose Hope
- South Kesteven District Council Customer Services
- Bourne Children’s Centre
- Salvation Army
- The Ringstone in Aveland Group of Churches
- Bourne Baptist Church
- Bourne Abbey Church
- Morton New Day Church
- Health Visitors
- Morton CofE Primary School
- All Bourne Schools
- Christians Against Poverty (CAP UK)
- P3
They will advise you if are able to get help and arrange for you to collect your food voucher. We are continually trying to add more voucher holders to this list, so if you are having trouble contacting any of the above, please Contact Us for further information.
Bring Your Voucher
Bring your voucher to the Foodbank where you will find our friendly and helpful staff, who will provide you with the entitlement of food for you and your family.
They can also direct you towards other organisations who may be able to help you, depending on your needs.
Contact The Foodbank
You can find out much more information about the Foodbank on this website, and details of agencies who may offer additional help.
We can be contacted via Phone, Email or through Facebook
If you still find all of this overwhelming, then come down and talk to us and we can help point you in the right direction. We do currently have restrictions in place to accommodate social distancing and unfortunately are unable to sit down for a cuppa at the moment, but we will help as much as we can.