If you need our help and think you may qualify, getting help starts with contacting one of the following agencies to obtain a voucher.
They will advise you if are able to get help and arrange for you to collect your food voucher. We are continually trying to add more voucher holders to this list, so if you are having trouble contacting any of the above, please Contact Us for further information.
Once you have obtained a voucher from one of the above agencies, bring it to the Foodbank where you will find our friendly & helpful staff who will provide you with the entitlement of food for you and your family.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me…”
Matthew Ch25:v35-
If you still find all of this overwhelming, then come down and talk to us and we can help point you in the right direction. Come and visit, sit down, have a cuppa and a chat. Our staff can help with how to obtain a voucher and direct you towards other organisations who may be able to help you further, depending on your needs.
You could always contact us through our Contact Form, by email at info@bournefoodbank.org.uk or give us a call on 07546 131806, if you are unable to visit us in person.
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