Without your donations, our Foodbank could not exist. Whether it is food, time or money, whatever you can give will make a difference. Consider becoming a regular donor if you are in business, or just take your items to any of our donation points. Food can be dropped off at any of our member churches when they are open and Tesco supermarket also has a collecting bin, see the map below for more details. We have a relationship with all the supermarkets in the town, who provide help in various ways.

Please give whatever you can, you will be helping someone less fortunate than yourself, who is working through a difficult period in their life.

Food Donation

We rely on food donations to feed local people in crisis. There is a list of suggested items below, but feel free to donate any in-date, non-perishable food at any of or Donation Points

Give us your time

Volunteers are a big part of our team at Bourne. Help us to give out food to people in crisis in the ways listed below, we couldn’t operate without people like you giving your time.

Monetary Donation

Big or small, every gift you give helps transform lives. We couldn't do what we do without your help and support. Please join us in building brighter futures, thank you!

Food Donation

The shopping list below, shows the main items that are always required, but other items may appear on this and the home page when we have a need to boost stock of a particular item so please check back regularly to see how you can help in the most effective way.

Although food is primarily what is distributed, there is also a need, at a time of crisis, for other items such as baby wipes, nappies, toilet rolls, toothpaste and soap.

Please put a little extra in your basket for those in crisis

Potatoes, Tinned or Mashed Potato Packets
Tinned vegetables
Angel Delight / Jelly
Rice Pudding
Sponge Puddings
Coffee / Tea
Milk (UHT cartons)
Fruit Juice (cartons)
Washing up liquid
Washing powder / liquid
Toilet Rolls
Shower Gel
Shaving gel / razors
Dog / Cat food

Give Us Your Time

You can volunteer anything from a few hours at an event to two half days a week. We really value any contribution you are willing to make.

We want you to enjoy volunteering, so we offer you a variety of ways to help. There really is something for everyone…

  • Sort donated food ready for distribution
  • Work in the Foodbank: meet clients and give out food
  • Help out at a Foodbank supermarket collection

We are looking for volunteers that can help out during Tuesdays 12:30 – 15:00 and Fridays 08:30 – 11:00

If you are interested in helping at Bourne Foodbank, please email volunteers@bournefoodbank.org.uk or use our Contact Form, and we will get in touch with you.

Monetary Donation

Whether a one-off gift or regular giving, any amount you can donate will make a difference.

Donate by post:
Please make cheques made payable to Bourne Foodbank, and send to;

Bourne Foodbank,
The Butterfield Centre,
2 North Road,
PE10 9AP

Digital Transfer:
We currently accept ‘Donate by Paypal’, using the button below but if you wish to donate by bank transfer, please Contact Us for our bank details.

Regular giving
We believe in creating sustainable projects that have a lasting impact. Your regular gifts enable us to plan ahead and commit to these projects. It’s also an easy way to manage your giving.

Monetary Donation

Gift Aid Declaration

We are a registered charity, therefore you can gift aid your donation by completing a form for us to use along with your donation. Please follow the link to complete our online Gift Aid form or our downloadable PDFs

Complete the Gift Aid form by clicking here

Find a Donation Point

Your food donation can be brought to the Foodbank when we are open or taken to any of our member churches and also placed in the donation box at Tesco, Sainsbury & Co-op(Elsea Park) in Bourne.