A Cracker of a Fundraiser

I was initially forwarded a message received via face book, from Tuesday-Maria Osborne and Lucie Lamb, requesting approval to run a “Christmas Raffle” to support the Bourne Foodbank.

My immediate response was; “Thank you very much and yes you can”

On Friday 04 Dec 20, Tuesday-Maria Osborne presented Bourne Foodbank with a cheque to the value of £2368.10. Which shocked us all.

Speaking to Tuesday-Maria, who stated: “Lucie and I decided to do something to support our community and came up with this idea. We thought we would not raise more than £200 – £300 max,  but were surprised when we reached £800 in the first month,  we both really enjoyed this experience”

They started their campaign at the end of August, with plans to hand over the funds raised at the start of December in time for Christmas.

I understand, they contacted various local businesses and made appeals via facebook. They were astonished with the response and kindness received from all. They coordinated the raffle with donated prizes and others purchased from Amazon.

Both Tuesday-Maria and Lucie are full time workers, Tuesday-Maria works for “British Car Auction (BCA)” and Lucie runs her own Beauty Bee saloon in Bourne and at the time of initiating this project was about 6 months pregnant!

I consider this a remarkable achievement by both these amazing ladies who, unselfishly thought of others less fortunate in our community, gave up their own personal and family time, along with all the COVID restrictions, to achieve this amazing result.

On behalf of all members from Bourne Foodbank, I thank them both for all the hard work they have put in and to the many who supported them, either by donating or purchasing a raffle ticket which has generated this awesome amount of money.


A Cracker of a Fundraiser